Friday, February 12, 2010

Disability Online College Laptop Im On Disability, And I Live In Texas, Is There Any Way I Can Get Help Paying For A Car, Laptop, And College?

Im On Disability, and I live in Texas, is there any way i can get help paying for a car, laptop, and college? - disability online college laptop

I live in North Texas and I am due to a disability, I need help with a vehicle to carry a laptop online college. and help pay for school. Is there a program or an association that is in a position to help? If so, enter the site. thx.


Janet said...

Evidence of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Disability can allowable tuition and other funds. Talk to your financial aid advisor in your local community college, ask FAFSA. The federal money for the school. The classes at a community college is probably the least expensive. Online course requires a lot of self discipline and many cost money. Check an organization that focuses on the type of disability. Good luck!

thready said...

Try a university. If you do not have the grades to go to community college, then transfer to the University.

financial assistance to pay for their education until the whole earth, good work and then start them back pay.

and in my student days I have a loan of a laptop.

I do not know what to do if a car. try craigslist

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